Posts Tagged ‘Lara Logan’


Shamelessly copying the tradition of ESPN’s PTI program, here’s a ‘Shout Out’ to Lara Logan

December 14, 2009

Colbert Report, December 10, 2009. Guest Lara Logan

Not only have I had a yearlong crush on Lara Logan, the beautiful, intelligent correspondent for CBS & 60 Minutes, but I’ve admired her desire, her apparent eager willingness, to go into the worst places on earth. The traveling I’ve done and the places, the perils, I’ve faced have nothing on Lara (the genesis of my fascination I think–this amazing broad seeks out areas and situations that, even in my bulletproof twenties, I’d have been reluctant to jump into).  I’m not sure there’s anything she could learn from my book Lies. Bribes, & Peril but I do think (ok, hope) she would wholeheartedly relate to its cultural lessons and perspectives.

Now, the suspicious naysayer in me (c’mon, admit it, our cushy existence leaves us way too much time to think like this occasionally) thought it was just about her career,–an easy way (as long as really dangerous places don’t bother you) to get ahead. How wrong that thought was.

After watching her appearance on the Colbert Report last week, my crush on Lara Logan evolved to include a very deep respect. I now understand why I was attracted her in the first place. It had nothing to do with the pretty face and sexy South African accent.

During Logan’s appearance on Colbert she very eloquently argued why Afghanistan is no Vietnam (those on the very political left will feel horribly betrayed by one they would normally embrace as their own) and explained her personal sense of motivations– heartfelt thoughts I think would be a benefit not only to most Americans but Westerners in general. Teased by Colbert about how her danger-seeking was self-indulgent, she spoke about how being in areas like Afghanistan, seeing and actually living the line that defines the essence of existence, made her so much more appreciative of the everyday things in her life, a good meal, relative security, a warm place to sleep–that not a day or event goes by that she is not thankful. 

Well, here’s the shout out Lara…extremely well said. If more people could only experience, witness, or at the very least gain an appreciation for, this struggle for existence; where the day is spent totally consumed with obtaining the barest necessities of life, and understand the happiness and pride that those that live life in this way derive from it, well, it just flat engenders a humility and gratefulness that is not only profoundly moving, but life altering–as it obviously has been for Lara. 

A notable outlook engendering the very best of the human spirit for the Holiday Season.

Happy Holidays 2009 Everyone!